Sunday 19 May 2013

The grand tour of the Rocky Mountain National Parks

Sunday, 19th May 2013

Major effort - set a blog!

So one week to go and things are getting into gear.

Passports and tickets checked;
Visa courtesy of ESTA - very pricey;
Packing list - checked and approved (after 3rd edition);
Extracted current temperatures at forthcoming locations - pretty cold 
10 Centigrade!  Revise packing list - edition 4.

Some of Dakota's badlands taken on a previous visit

Small mountains in a semi-arid landscape

A nice vegetation sequence

So the next blog will hopefully be from Denver


  1. Hi Dad - Gareth here. Blog seems to work fine and looks good - apart from some dodgy geezer in lycra on the right.

    I found picture upload very dependent on WiFi connectivity. I almost lost the will to live on some uploads.

    Enjoy the tour

  2. And how did it go? Where's the next post? Your audience is waiting...
